G-RISE Training Plan

G-RISE aims for Trainees to engage in the following activities as the overall G-RISE Training Plan.
  1. Select a primary RISE faculty advisor and a co-mentor who advises on professional development well as brings interdisciplinary components to the primary research project. An example of this is having a primary advisor from a life sciences department and co-advisor from a computational/engineering department
  2. Are guided by their advisor and the G-RISE@NMSU program on a research project that is of high impact, demonstrates rigor and reproducibility, and disseminates findings thereof at national conferences on a yearly basis;
  3. Engage in safety training, and discussions on safe research practices through workshops and existing courses, and development of an experimental safety plan;
  4. Attend grant writing retreats related to effective communication of science impact, and submit applications for external funding (e.g., federal agencies and national laboratories) that will enable them to transition out of RISE;
  5. Complete their qualifying exam by the third semester and their comprehensive exam no later than the sixth semester;
  6. Begin to publish as authors or co-authors by their second year and complete the degree with at least three publications and be the first author on at least two publications;
  7. Attend panels and courses related to self-efficacy, metacognition, ethics, and how to compose a diversity and inclusion statement (if applying to faculty positions); and
  8. Engage with guest industry/national lab/academic employers brought to campus to discuss the different career paths and cultures in the respective workforce.